速報APP / 通訊 / Edupac Employee Portal

Edupac Employee Portal





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Edupac Employee Portal(圖1)-速報App

This mobile application provides staff members with real-time access to learners' information in a School.

The application is available in English, Afrikaans or French.

Access to the following is available:

• Employee's Personal Information

• Learner Personal Information for Emergencies

• Capture Absenteeism

• Capture Conduct

• Apply for Leave

• School Newsletters

Edupac Employee Portal(圖2)-速報App

• School Calendar and Activities

• Instant Notifications from the school

To use the application:

1. DOWNLOAD the application on your device(s).

2. Register yourself as a new user on Edupac Enterprise Edition (EEE)

3. Select your school.

4. Contact your school administrator and wait to be approve and activated. Your profile needs to be linked to a valid Employee Profile on EEE

To evaluate our Mobile Application with Sample data use the following Log-in credentials:

Username: TestEmployee

Edupac Employee Portal(圖3)-速報App

Password: P@ssw0rd